Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What are you eating?

You may have noticed that people do some really bizarre things when they think no one is looking. Or, perhaps they just don't care if anyone is there to witness their oddities. Which is good; embrace your inner weirdo I say. Have you ever paid attention to some things that people eat or drink though? I was minding my own business at work one morning, preparing my standard 100 calorie bagel (that's satisfying enough for no one mind you), when this woman came into the kitchen, removed her scalding hot cup of water from the microwave, poured in a packet of Sweet & Low, stirred and drank. You can let that notion swim around in your brains for a few more minutes. It's okay, I'll wait.

I mean, who does that?! Didn't the giant alien bug from Men in Black drink sugar water? Is this some new low-cal fake cup of coffee that I'm unaware of?! I thought perhaps at first that I was hallucinating, and gave said co-worker the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it wasn't water in the cup, maybe it was tea. Until I saw it again... and again.

While we're on this topic, I once saw this girl at another job take a bag of potato chips, squeeze about 5 ketchup packets into it, crush the bag between her hands until she had chip stew and ate it with a fork. What did those chips ever do to her to get such treatment? For shame!

On another note, the lights above my desk have been replaced. I never realized I was working in darkness for the past 9 months. Now it's like a tanning salon in here. Was my desk always brown? I think I'm going to turn the lights off so it feels dark and cave-like again.


Christina said...

#1- Yes the men in black dude def did drink sugar water LOL He was a "bug" LOL

#2- My boss and his family boil macaroni and pour ketchup on it and eat it! Ewwww! He said its just like tomato sauce.. I beg to differ!!

#3- When I was coming home from Florida once I got sat next to this old cowboy.. he had scabs all over his hands.. he proceeded to pick the scabs and throw them into his potato chip bag and them chomp away on his lovely mixture! People have SERIOUS issues!

Unknown said...

Mmmmm scabby deliciousness

Kayla-CiAnne said...

OMG Christina that is disgusting