Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thought of the day

I have concluded that Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner are, in fact, the same exact person.

Can you tell them apart!? Because I sure as eff can't.


Unknown said...

They definitely can be twins. One is an academy award-winning actress and the other.... ( and might i say, better-looking one) is married to Ben Affleck( which to some, is an award in itself). They both are great actresses with great versitility in the roles that they pick.This beind said, I still always get them confused. which one did catch and release and which did P.S. I Love You?

BMK said...

Hilary Swank looks like Matt Damon

Q.Ledbetter said...

I thought I was the only one who thought this. Although, I can tell them apart because Hilary Swank's teeth have much more presence.

Legend has it that she eats rocks.